Hmm... Hello
El Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo this year was pretty awesome. I brought a cow piñata for my Spanish class. It was so cool. It was a piñata. At school. It was awesome. Taylor Adams and I left Spanish to go get cheese, a rope and a baseball bat from his house (the cheese was for quesadillas, not the piñata)
It was a cow piñata, she was a beauty. We named her Lupe
We hit Lupe with the baseball bat until candy came out
Lupe's head is now mounted on Mr. Barnard's wall

I also ate some spectac Mexican food, with some homemade, from scratch tortillas. It was good stuff
How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?
-Ferris Bueller
These past two days have been perfect weather. Really, it's been awesome. I sat there in school today, and repeated those same words over and over in my head.
Today, I came to school kind of late, had a meeting all through lunch, and stayed after school for a biology review. I hardly saw anyone all day. It was kind of weird.
Jameson Ricks and I, we detailed a car today. It was qu
ite enjoyable. I like to take care of cars. It feels good to start with a dirty car and end up with a nice clean one. I want to do this as a job during the summer. Jameson, are you in? But I'm worried we won't get much business. It would be cool though, we could make some bank
Michael J. Fox, that's right, our own Marty McFly, has Parkinson's. I didn't know this. I saw it on the television. It has to be true.
Frozen Novelties
Moose bars are the new Otter Pops. I think I lived on otter pops during the summers of my childhood. Moose bars are the best. I love them, they go for 9 for a dollar at your local Macey's, along with Monkey bars and Juicies.
Where can I find one of these?

I saw this in a garbage can outside. I'd like to visit a babe farm some time