Summer of '09
The last summer of my high school life.
Kind of a scary thought. After this school year, I will become a real person, with responsibilities. So this summer, I lived it up.
Every Tuesday at eleven, all the cool kids went to summer Seminary. Yep, it was awesome. Our Seminary teachers are the coolest. They always had awesome lessons and we got Otter Pops after. It doesn't get any better than that. I even got to teach a lesson one Tuesday. I think I did pretty well, yeah I guess I pretty much killed. I think I want to be a Seminary teacher when I grow up. It would be a choice career.
We met a lot as the Seminary council too, which was pretty awesome. We went to the ropes course for our "council social" I know, fancy right? That was at least the third coolest thing I did all summer. We just got to chill there with the seminary teachers. Almost all of them came with us and we just chilled. I think I want to be a Seminary teacher when I grow up.
After living in Utah valley for over sixteen and a half years, I finally hiked to the top of Mount Timpanogos. Twice. Both times I went at midnight, and they were probably the two coolest hikes I've ever been on. The whole thing kind of sucks until you get to the saddle, as soon as you come up over it and you see the whole valley lit up...oh man, it's so sick. I want to go again soon.
I made my mark on the shack
Yeah, I guess I'll kind of go down in history. The world will always know that I, B-rock Duclos, hiked to the very top of Mt. Timpanogos on Aug 10, 2009.
Yeah, I'm practically famous. We also discovered/met a stud of a goat who we named Chompy. Here, through the wonders of modern technology, you can pretty much meet him too!
If this isn't the second most epic photograph ever, I'm not sure what would be
The Big One Seven
On July 30, 1992 a legend was born.
Seventeen years later his birthday is still celebrated
What the bulleted list format?
- I received a MacBook Pro. I love it. I don't know what to name it yet though
- I made two trips to Miller Motorsports park, possibly one of the coolest places in the great state of Utah
- I went 180 miles per hour in a legitimate stock car, sitting shotgun to a pro
- I took Jameson for the second trip
- We raced in the coolest Go Karts
- We drove around the outside of the track in a golf cart in order to get the full experience
- I want to go again
School. The reason I wake up in the morning.
It started off quite luxurious. Due to inconsistent schedules between the two schools I attend, I had no first or second period for the first week. This allowed me to attend the seminary opening assembly four times. It was nice to be there because my group was in charge of putting it together, and I was pretty proud of the video we produced.
Unfortunately, these scheduling inconsistencies also forced me to take early morning seminary. So I'd wake up to go to school at 6:45, then go home until third period. I liked it though, early morning seminary is cool because I get to go every day, but kind of weird because it's only 45 minutes long. It's not so bad now that we're kind of in the swing of things. I enjoy having seminary every day. It's a good way to start the day, and my class is really cool.
But then...
My UVU classes started, and I transferred into AP US History. Homework hit me like a brick wall. It's like all my teachers were talking, saying, "Okay guys, let's hold off on the homework, then slam it on him all at once! It'll be hilarious, wait for it...wait for it......Now! Hahaha good one, guys!"
I wouldn't put it past them.
No, but seriously it's not too bad, and I'm keeping on top of things. Also, my classes are pretty sweet. Newman is hilarious, he just told us the story of the battle axe, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard.
The Land Down Unda
A couple of days ago, my parents left us for Australia. They went with Kendall and Megan and are spending some time with some of the families Kendall taught on his mission.
They left Wyatt, Fu and myself all alone, in charge of the house. It's kind of lame cooking and cleaning and all that stuff, but it's all good.
Is Spanish for Homecoming. I'm stoked. Dances are the coolest. I'm going with Stacie Norton, and we are going to party. It. Up.
Our day date, genius. We're renting sumo suits and we're going to battle it out. I know, genius. That's what I said.
Maybe I'll be able to fulfill my favorite item on my bucket list, item number 19. That is, and I quote, "Win a dance off (against someone who is not white)". Then, my life would almost be complete. I just hope the opportunity presents itself, these things can't be planned you know.
So yep, I'm pretty stoked to be back in normal life. Maybe I'll even put stuff up on this little thing every once in awhile.
Also, is it just me, or are photographs nearly impossible to manipulate on this publisher thing?