- I received a MacBook Pro. I love it. I don't know what to name it yet though
- I made two trips to Miller Motorsports park, possibly one of the coolest places in the great state of Utah
- I went 180 miles per hour in a legitimate stock car, sitting shotgun to a pro
- I took Jameson for the second trip
- We raced in the coolest Go Karts
- We drove around the outside of the track in a golf cart in order to get the full experience
- I want to go again
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Large Post
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ready, Go
Friday, May 22, 2009
I can get through this. I think.
Scripture text messages were kind of my passion/calling in life.
It was rough. I didn't cry but I kind of went catatonic for a while. Like Cameron in Ferris Bueller. Carrie had to revive me with some hilarious reminiscing. I'm pretty sure we looked nuts.
I'm going to miss that seminary class. I think it was the best yet.
- Sister Brown's birthday song
- The talent show
- Monkey
- Bacon
- Scripture scavenger hunt
- The thank you card to Papa John's
- Darin Hillyard's embarrassing moments
- The Rubik's cubes
- Saying San Francisco instead of Spanish Fork in the announcements
- When we got 100% reading and I almost cried
- The question of the day
- Throwdowns
- Frodowns
Monday, May 18, 2009
- We had the most gangster group known to mankind
- We had a giant inflatable waterslide/bounce area
- I got a pretty major sunburn, which I didn't notice until the next day
- It actually wasn't that major
- We engaged in a water fight
- Eryn Haws and her little buddies crashed our party
- We played the Skittle game
- A few of us decided to see how many Skittles they could fit in our mouths
- I decided to never eat Skittles again
- We went back to the waterslide
- Somebody's nose was almost broken
- Luckily, they didn't have any communicable diseases-other than the swine flu
- The nose was healed and we ate otter pops
- There was a small preview of the quality of dance moves that could be expected later that night
- We went home
- We had the most gangster group known to mankind
- I am the king of awkward pictures
- It's nice to have a man in the background, rototilling his garden
- I can fly (I already knew this, but we got photographic proof)
- Cheesed potatoes are the best kind of potatoes
- Quoting Nacho Libre is a nice dinner table activity
- Megan Abel has never seen Nacho Libre
- That shopping bag was not in fact a garbage bag
- The ice cream man does laps around Carrie's house
- It's embarrassing to be the only one at the table who gets up to chase the ice cream man
- Carrots are not the best food to eat while chasing the ice cream man
- There is nothing worse than the feeling you get when the ice cream man gets away
- That feeling gets worse when you see two small children showing off their recently purchased frozen novelty treats
- Eating celery burns calories
- Some things are more enjoyable to throw up than others
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
It's Been Awhile
Like the morning dew on a delicate flower...Like a majestic eagle soaring overhead...Like Darin Hillyard's bootie shake...The words contained in your scriptures are beautifulGo enjoy the beauty

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
An assortment
Hmm... Hello
El Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo this year was pretty awesome. I brought a cow piñata for my Spanish class. It was so cool. It was a piñata. At school. It was awesome. Taylor Adams and I left Spanish to go get cheese, a rope and a baseball bat from his house (the cheese was for quesadillas, not the piñata)
It was a cow piñata, she was a beauty. We named her Lupe
We hit Lupe with the baseball bat until candy came out
Lupe's head is now mounted on Mr. Barnard's wall
I also ate some spectac Mexican food, with some homemade, from scratch tortillas. It was good stuff
How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?
-Ferris Bueller
These past two days have been perfect weather. Really, it's been awesome. I sat there in school today, and repeated those same words over and over in my head.
Today, I came to school kind of late, had a meeting all through lunch, and stayed after school for a biology review. I hardly saw anyone all day. It was kind of weird.
Jameson Ricks and I, we detailed a car today. It was qu
ite enjoyable. I like to take care of cars. It feels good to start with a dirty car and end up with a nice clean one. I want to do this as a job during the summer. Jameson, are you in? But I'm worried we won't get much business. It would be cool though, we could make some bank
Michael J. Fox, that's right, our own Marty McFly, has Parkinson's. I didn't know this. I saw it on the television. It has to be true.
Frozen Novelties
Moose bars are the new Otter Pops. I think I lived on otter pops during the summers of my childhood. Moose bars are the best. I love them, they go for 9 for a dollar at your local Macey's, along with Monkey bars and Juicies.
Where can I find one of these?
I saw this in a garbage can outside. I'd like to visit a babe farm some time
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Stocka Lady...Stalka Lady?....Stocka Lady
- I watched Ferris Bueller with Mandi
- I met Mandi's grandparents, they're nice
- Mandi met Barky
- We watched the end of Cool Runnings
- Jameson and I ate balls of fish cooked by Michael Fu
- We got Carrie and went to the store to buy Reese's, Peachy O's and Starburst
- I bought a 27 cent piece of candy
- I received a receipt
- I kept the receipt for my records
- We had a dance party in Jameson's basement
- We became professional rappers
- I discovered/confessed my true love for the Stocka lady.....stalka lady.......stocka lady....
- We jumped on the trampoline
- We built a violent fire out of wood that was sappier than a Spanish love song
- I told lame jokes about how sappy the wood was
- We roasted marshmallows
- Jameson played his stringed instrument
- Moves were busted
- Hearts were touched
- Memories were made
Friday, May 1, 2009
Automatic doors?
get it. It kind of bothers me.
Anyway, today I was supposed to go camping. We ended up going bowling
instead. (long story)
So, I was riding in my leader's mini van, and I noticed that little
button on the ceiling that opens the automatic side door, (one of the
small things in life that bother me) but then I think,
"Seriously, when would you ever need this?"
Really, I can imagine some crazed mother of about 3 sets of twins
hauling down the freeway doing about eighty five screaming at her
children, "if you don't shut up, so help me, I'll...don't make me open
the door!"
I don't know what else it would be for.
Also vanilla frosties. I can't stand them. Frosties are chocolate.
Today, at Wendy's, I asked for a frosty and they did not ask me what
flavor I wanted. I almost did a dance.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Favorite Words: Part 3
Hablabamos-Spanish, it means "we used to talk" the h is silent and a is a as in salt
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Favorite Words: Part 2
Griddle- another fun one
Liquid- flows off the tongue
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
30 years!
awesome. Really, I've had nothing but good examples if I don't turn
out right, it's my own fault. You can quote me on that.
Mom, I know this is the third time I've said this today but... Thanks
for sticking with the old man. I love you guys
Monday, April 27, 2009
I won't lie
- The Antiques Roadshow
- Wife Swap
- The National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing (you may be more familiar with the acronym this is commonly referred to as-notice the capital letters)
- Words that are fun to say
- The Food Network (especially Good Eats)
- Old television shows like Get Smart
- Moose bars
- The book "To Kill a Mockingbird"
- Doing the announcements in Seminary
- Sending the scripture reading text message to my Seminary class
- The liberal use of parentheses
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Favorite Words: An Introduction
Favorite Words: Part 1
Another Dream

- I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- I am not considering joining the Fellowship Bible Church of Lindon
- I may never "come as I am to worship" at 11 am
- I do think that some day I may be able to come up with a quote, in accordance with my personal beliefs, that might inspire others if put in a public place, say... on state street in Lindon right next to Los Hermanos.