Reading this, you might get the wrong idea. Let me clarify a few points:
- I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- I am not considering joining the Fellowship Bible Church of Lindon
- I may never "come as I am to worship" at 11 am
- I do think that some day I may be able to come up with a quote, in accordance with my personal beliefs, that might inspire others if put in a public place, say... on state street in Lindon right next to Los Hermanos.
I'm also practicing for my dance off against somebody who isn't white. Wish me luck.
(I got this picture from fbclindon.org)
On a separate, unrelated note, I've decided to stop using acronyms (for personal reasons). If you hear me using an acronym in the future, it's because I don't know what it stands for.
brock you should convert them to join our Church!
you can do it Brock. Don't stop believin' when we see that thought up by that church.
Thanks Christian
Jameson, I like the way you think. This could be a nice missionary opportunity. Good work
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