This, my friends is an endoplasmic reticulum. (fun to say, try it) I have been studying Biology for hours. The AP test is in like two weeks, but don't quote me on that. Yeah, Van Dijk's giving us tons of homework and what the, I'm putting up a picture from my textbook. How nerdy is that?
Anyway, I should probably go to sleep, I have a Biology review in the morning.
6am, yep probably won't make that one, sorry
but then I have to go after school on Wednesday. Fun
Also I get points for the nerdiest post
Props to you for the nerdy post. But dont worry. I like it. Also. AP!? Gag kill me now. But hey, we're excused from school all day, why not have a gnarly time! Well. good luck with that. The picture, pretty much the ridiculous. I like it!
umm brock i think i win for nerdiest person and nerdiest post.
you can't top my post about making my phone look like an iPhone.
Jameson, it's an endoplasmic reticulum. I took the photo from a page in my biology textbook. I even have pictures on my phone.
that doesn't even compare. you saw the visuals of my modification to my phone. you didn't see the code i wrote. Here is a sample:
var i = 1;
wordarray = comment.split(",");
fond.loadMovie(this._url.slice(0, this._url.lastIndexOf("/"))+"/iPhone/wall/back"+i+".swf");
txt = wordarray[i];
var len;
var walltoggle = 0;
this.onMouseUp = function() {
var x;
x = mySlider.ratio;
if (x == "153") {
_root.mc_idle.shorcut_mc._y = 400;
_root.shortcutHide = 1;
_root.mc_idle.mc_idleWidget._x = 500;
var config = this._url.slice(0, this._url.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/config.xml";
var app:Boolean = false;
var launched = new Number (0);
Ya i think you get the idea.
okay Jameson, you win. You are the bigger nerd.
isn't it awesome?
umm i'm not sure... its probably a good thing for the future but not in high school haha
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